Outdoors for Everyone

Pool to Lake - 2 x 1h 15min
With one session in Jesus Green Lido and then migrating for the second session to Milton Country Park Lake
For aspiring open water swimmers capable of 400m+ in a pool
5th June/7th June or 3rd July/5th July
Move from pool to lake in these two progressive sessions. Starting in Jesus Green Lido to discover swim safety and technique in cold water, the second session moves onto the lake at Milton Country Park to practice everything you learnt in the first session.
2 x 1h15 sessions, first at Jesus Green Lido, second on lake at Milton Country Park. Small groups of max 6 people. For more information about Jesus Green please click here

Women in Open Water - 2 x 1h 15min
For aspiring female open water swimmers capable of 400m+ in a pool
12th/19th July
For anyone interested in open water swimming, who may have tried a little before but would like a supportive environment which will allow you to base your progress and future goals on a sound understanding of open water safety. Covering techniques to improve your enjoyment in this environment and practice with others.
The group meets afterwards in the Cafe for an optional coffee and cake
2 x 1h15 sessions in lake at Milton Country Park. mall groups of 6 max

Swimming in Open Water - 2 x 1h 15min
For any aspiring open water swimmers capable of 400m+ in a pool
9th Aug/ 16th Aug
For anyone interested in open water swimming, who may have tried a little before but would like a supportive environment which will allow you to base your progress and future goals on a sound understanding of open water safety. Covering techniques to improve your enjoyment in this environment and practice with others.
The group meets afterwards in the Cafe for an optional coffee and cake
2 x 1h15 sessions in lake at Milton Country Park. mall groups of 6 max

1:1 or Pairs Coaching - 1h
For open water swimmers capable of 400m+ in a pool. Suitable for everyone from first timers wanting bespoke introductions to event swimmers wanting to do themselves proud
Sessions from April on Wednesday mornings and Friday evenings. Please email us to arrange a date mcp@cambridgesportlakes.org.uk
Working 1:1 or in pairs with Val, our swim coach, she will assist you in making a step change in your technique and enjoyment in the open water environment. Prioritising changes that will make the most difference to you using feedback and video as well as providing access to other resources to help you continue your development.
Pairs coaching is £65 per session, please email mcp@cambridgesportlakes.org.uk to book
1h session on the lake at Milton Country Park. Sessions run alongside public open water swimming sessions

Coached Drop-in Sessions - 1h
Event Skills - 23rd May & 6th June
Continue your coached progression at Milton Country Park. Bring your Green Hat if you have one!
Sessions will allow you to build up your training plan to meet your goal, access kit chat, coaching tips and video feedback to maintain and develop your technique. Val can facilitate options to swim for distance, time or in social groups. Come along and extend friendships gained during the coached courses and regular open water swim sessions by swimming in pods with shared aims
1h sessions on lake at Milton Country Park